Friday, July 25, 2008

Having a Ball...

Well, it was $1.00 well-spent!


Dayne had a "ball" playing with this Beach Ball at the pool!
He about wore me out chasing him around!






(Just don't mind the sicko shots of me in my swimsuit... Sorry, but I was there, after all!)


The Moving Circus said...

Okay if only I looked that good in a swim suit whie I was pregnant. Its amazing how the inexpensive things keep them playing for hours.


{jane} said...

My instinct is to say, "You and Daynen both have cute balls!" tummy included, of course...but that just doesn't sound right, does it?!? hehe, you are gorgeous!

The Haley Family said...

beautiful as always!

I love the pictures of Dayne. Ella is pretty mellow too and LOVES the water!! "Chill" babies are such a blessing!

Sue said...

Did you say sicko? Whateva....

Amber said...

Sara! You look great!! Hope everything is goin well! I miss you guys!
