Thursday, April 24, 2008

Daynen's 1st Birthday Party!

Drum-Roll puh-leez...
Look who turned ONE!
And here are the long-awaited pics from
Dayne's 1st Birthday Party
last Saturday!


(It just took me this long to download, edit and post them!

To say there were a LOT of pictures is an understatement!

Here are just a "few"!)

Welcome to the wild and crazy PAR-Tay!


Just a small little gathering, by our usual scale, with 75 of our closest friends & family!

Thanks to all of Dayne's adoring fans who came to wish him well on his special day!


We had GREAT grub...


Fabulous entertainment...

including Jeremy, our highly-popular (look at that line!) and INCREDIBLE Balloon Guy...


No... seriously... A-MAZ-ing balloons!
(This 3 1/2 foot Clown was bigger than the Birthday Boy!)


...and for all 40 kids!


He also tells jokes...


does Magic...



and juggles...

with FIRE!



The kids thought it was awesome... even the big ones!



And what Party is complete without a Pinata?

...and Cake & Ice Cream?

(Thanks again Suz, Mauri & Cheryl for serving it up!)

(And Cupcakes for the kiddies...)


The Birthday Boy got his own little Cake...

(This was actually post-party, because we ran out of time!)



and "walked away" with a pretty good stash of LOOT...



including this HOT set of "Wheels" from Mom & Dad...



which turned out to be popular with his friends! (Look at Sela's face! :)



He was spoiled-rotten, for sure!



The Bounce-House we set up Downstairs was a hit...

(...Thanks again to the generous Jane!)



especially with the Big Kids...


and Dayne-o's 2 Big Brothers!


who actually ended up sleeping in it!


Thanks again to everyone who came and enjoyed the evening at our "Crib"!

We all had a great time and most importantly, so did the Birthday Boy!


After all... You only turn 1 once! :)