(It just took me this long to download, edit and post them!
To say there were a LOT of pictures is an understatement!
Here are just a "few"!)
Welcome to the wild and crazy PAR-Tay!
Just a small little gathering, by our usual scale, with 75 of our closest friends & family!
Thanks to all of Dayne's adoring fans who came to wish him well on his special day!
including Jeremy, our highly-popular (look at that line!) and INCREDIBLE Balloon Guy...
does Magic...
with FIRE!
The kids thought it was awesome... even the big ones!
And what Party is complete without a Pinata?
...and Cake & Ice Cream?
(Thanks again Suz, Mauri & Cheryl for serving it up!)
(And Cupcakes for the kiddies...)
The Birthday Boy got his own little Cake...
(This was actually post-party, because we ran out of time!)
and "walked away" with a pretty good stash of LOOT...
including this HOT set of "Wheels" from Mom & Dad...
which turned out to be popular with his friends! (Look at Sela's face! :)
He was spoiled-rotten, for sure!
The Bounce-House we set up Downstairs was a hit...
(...Thanks again to the generous Jane!)
especially with the Big Kids...
and Dayne-o's 2 Big Brothers!
who actually ended up sleeping in it!
Thanks again to everyone who came and enjoyed the evening at our "Crib"!
We all had a great time and most importantly, so did the Birthday Boy!
After all... You only turn 1 once! :)