Friday, February 12, 2010

Undisputed Champion of the World...

Ummm... yeah...
So as you can see, the Physical Therapy Appointment this morning went well...


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marjean said...

Amazing! We are so happy for you!

mIcHeLLe said...

wow! this is such an amazing story...I know you will use this trial in the community somehow to teach awareness to others on water safety....already your blog has done this in so many ways.
enjoy your own bed tonight! and I bet this is the ending you hoped for, but wasn't sure of....and I am sooo glad your family has been blessed with this miracle.
Michelle, RN

Unknown said...

Sara & Matt, we're thrilled that things have turned out so well in this situation. What a blessing and a reminder of the beauty of your children!

-Jared & Jennifer Roper

The Linfords said...

I think his shirt describes him
perfectly!! What a little champ!!!

jasmin said...


MamatoOne said...

So incredibly amazing!

nora.lakehurst said...

YAY!!!! I am so happy you can take him home.

Kari said...

A miracle! That's the only way to describe this precious little guy! He is ready to go home and play with his big brothers. Pure joy!

Julia M. said...

What a miracle! Thank you for reinstalling my faith with your candid description of all you've been through. Our God IS a God of miracles!

ahumphries said...


Brad and Jean : ) said...

What a great picture! We are so happy for this outcome, and for the increase in faith that this world has experienced thanks to Bronson and this miracle. Words cannot express how happy we are for you guys. Joy!! XOXOXO!

Ivannape said...

I do not know your family, But I started following your story from someone else about a week ago. I sobbed many tears and now i cry tears of joy for you and your little one. What an amazing blessing and miracle. Reading your story really hit home my youngest is Bronsons same age almost to the date and your experiance really hit home and how I need to pay attetion more to the important things and the cleaning and all the other things in life can wait. Thanks so much for sharing his story the good and the bad but how amazing is our Heavenly Father and you have made me realize and given me more faith in how true he is. I am truelly happy for your sweet family Love Aprilee Pena

Tonya Peterson said...

We have been praying so hard for your family! I am so glad to hear this wonderful piece of news! God bless you and try to not continually beat yourself up over what happened. We all make mistakes, and thank God yours turned out for the best. You have also inspired a nation of Mothers to stop what we are doing and just appreciate our children. So thank you for that. Sometimes we forget what is really important. So I am getting off this dang computer and giving my 2 year old girl the biggest hug and kiss ever! XOXO!

mom8102 said...

I am a total stranger from babycenter that someone had posted a link to your blog. I have been following ever since. I have prayed, and I AM SO HAPPY THIS LITTLE MIRACLE IS GOING HOME. He's a fighter!
Sleep peacefully tonight!

Alicia said...

SO CUTE!!! So happy for you all!

Trent and Kimberly Ewing said...

I am so happy!! seriously reading this blog is not only a learing experience but sure makes my day everyday to see him improve!!

Julianne Howes said...

What a happily ever after for your family!! I too am a stranger, but have found inspiration from your blog and from your little Bronson. Our Father in Heaven truly has a plan for each of his children. Enjoy your snuggles tonight with your little fighter... you deserve it!

Amanda said...

He has the best smile ever and it's so good to see it! Also it's great to see him running around. God is truly a God of miracles. I am so happy for you guys.

Julie M. said...

Hooray! What an amazing story. We're thrilled you're going home! Thank you for reminding us all of what is truly important, and for sharing with us.

Tiffany said...

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!

Kelli Rye said...

God is so good! I'm so happy for your family!

The Blanchard Family said...

I believe you are right when you say that words can not describe this situation. I am in awe and have followed since before you knew that all would end ok. I am SO grateful to see this miracle happen that I don't even have the words. He is AMAZING. . .I hope to keep getting updates of his progress at home as he returns to his normal routine!

Amber Miyake said...

What a Cutie!! That smile makes me so happy! I do not know your family, but I feel as if I do -and I just love you guys!! Thank you SO much for sharing your story with all of us! My faith has been strengthened so much by your story, and it has reminded me of the things that are most important. Thanks for sharing experiences so close to your heart. SO happy that you guys get to take your little miracle home today!

-Amber :) (Utah)

Anonymous said...

This is a true miracle as well as a PSA for all of us "busy" mom's. I have often left my little ones in the bath to carry dirty clothes to the hamper, and gather pj's. Not anymore. Thank you for sharing your story, and God bless you and your family!

Charity said...

I don't know you...
You don't know me...
But we both know of a Father that loves your little boy more than either one of us could ever imagine.
What a miracle you have there. What a precious gift your family has been given.
Thank you for sharing your story with complete strangers- cause in the end? Were not really strangers are we...

Brianna said...

I LOVE IT!!! He is so stinkin' cute. Such a fighter. Give hugs to all your boys when you get home! So excited for all of you.

Kings said...

I know you don't know me, but i seriously could not be happier today because of this! thanks for sharing all of this with everyone. I think all of our testimonies have grown because of it. :)

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful thing to see this morning! I have been following all week and praying for your family. I thank you for the lessons this has taught me, from 1400 miles away. My heart sings for you! Go Bronson!
Love and hugs from the Carlile Family Brooklyn Park, Minnesota

Michelle said...

SO WONDERFUL!!! He is truely a MIRACLE! Thanks again for sharing your story!

Stacy's Creations Photography said...

unbelievable!! wow, just amazing!! so happy for you all

Kate said...

So incredibly amazing. Enjoy having that sweet little miracle home with you. Thank you for sharing your story with all of us other busy moms. Makes me rethink what really is important...that never-ending to-do list or keeping a closer eye on my precious babies. You are so brave to share your story with all of us, and I am personally so happy that you did. Love and prayers will continue to be with your family! So very happy for Bronson's healing.

Kimberley said...

From Washington State.
We are so happy and thankful for your family. Take Care!

Unknown said...

Wow....a true miracle. I'm so happy for you and your family. What a way to finish the week.

This makes your Valentine's Day super special this year!!!!

Dotson Family said...

Wahoo! Celebrating with you and your family!

Melissa DeMoux said...

We've been following your story, and are so grateful things have turned out so well. Our family is thrilled for you.

Seth and Sarah said...

I've been following this blog for a little over a week, and my most sincere prayers have been with you and your family. I'm thrilled beyond words that Heavenly Father has given you this miracle. What a deserving family. I'm so very, very happy for you and wish you oodles of happiness and joy in your future!

Unknown said...

How amazing! Thank you for sharing your sons story, it brings hope. Your testimony has helped strengthen my own. Way to go Bronson!

Anonymous said...

Staker Family - Our families testimony has been strengthened so much through this trial of your faith. Thank you for sharing, thank you for letting us be apart of this life changing experience. I know with every fiber of my being that your life long worthiness, and the worthiness and righteousness of your entire extended families have called down this miracle. I will be a more attentive mother because of your willingness to share this experience. I poured out my heart to my Heavenly Father in gratitude for his constantly watching over my children when I have not been as attentitve as I should have. I have learned life turns on a dime and I need to be more focused on what is most important. I love you guys! Julianne

Angie said...

Thank you baby Bronson for showing me that miracles really do happen! Sending more love than I can even possibly articulate to all of you today. Enjoy all of the cuddle time at HOME!!! :-)

Daphne (in Louisiana) said...

Simply Amazing! I'm so happy God granted you a miracle...I prayed for your little Bronson daily!

Keep us posted as often as you can!

Crystal said...

I am so truly happy for you! I have to say, this story is one of the most amazing things I have read in a long time! What an incredible second chance at life and it just bring joy to my heart for you all! I hope you decide to keep up with the blog now. I am a new fan! :)

Tonia and Joshua said...

Wow. Amazing, amazing, amazing. What an incredible miracle.

andrea said...

Wow. What an amazing miracle you were blessed with. I am sure you will treasure him and your other children all the more after this experience. Thank you for sharing this all with us, and reminding us what is important.

Anonymous said...

amazing - a true miracle!!

Anonymous said...

I think it's very important that people understand that Bronson's miracle occurred because it was God's will, not because of people's prayers and fasting. Just this week we learned of two sisters also at Primary Children's that passed away due to a tragic pesticide poisoning. I am sure there were just as many prayers and fasting sent to heaven in their behalf, but for reasons unknown to all of us, the answer in this case was no. Not because their prayers or fasting were not accepted by God, but because a God that knows all things had a different plan for them. The hope and faith that we live with is that someday all of it will make sense, even though in this life it doesn't. Every day people survive miraculous things while others perish. The miracles do not lay in who escapes death at that time, but in how the fasting and prayers change the people who are offering them. Events such as these bring people together for a common good, and it makes all of us think deeper of our purpose and belief system. It brings us closer to our Heavenly Father and his Son, our Savior. The miracle of your story as well as the family of the two sister's story is the same. It has made thousands of people stop what they were doing and look to God and there is always power in that.

I found your blog midway through this crisis and it touched me. I prayed harder, thought more, and loved my family greater. I'm so glad that this outcome is so great for you....treasure it always. My heart also goes out to the other family this week and all those not in the public view that have tasted the bitterness of tragedy without the same outcome. The peace is that Heavenly Father will bring miracles of a different kind to them in the comfort he gives to those that suffer such things. May God bless everyone and may we always be sensitive to the fact that prayers are always answered, but according to HIS will.

Anonymous said...

Thank you God!! You have no idea how happy I am to hear the good news!!! I have cried so many times reading your post and now they are tears of joy!!! Miracles do happen and Bronson is proof of this. The power of prayer!!! May God protect your family!!!! Have a wonderful life!!!

Sharon said...

Happy Happy Joy Joy!!!
God is Good!!
So glad for your family!

Hil said...

Way to go Bronson!!!!!!!! so happy for ALL of you.

Robin said...

I am seriously speechless!!! He is a miracle!! Thank you for letting us all witness a true miracle! I want to give Bronson a big hug, I feel like I know him!!

Allison said...

Thrilled for you! Congrats on going home.

Rachael said...

Wow, look at him! I've been following Bronson's story and I'm so glad you're taking him home! Thank God.

Anonymous said...

After a week of checking this blog daily, I've got to chime in. This is truly miraculous! I've seen so many other tragic cases that ended in heartache and despair. I stare at that picture of him in astonishment and wonder. Bronson's story almost requires one to acknowledge that miracles do happen! Thank you for your effort in sharing all of this information and perspective. I'm amazed and happy for you.

Anonymous said...

After a week of checking this blog daily, I've got to chime in. This is truly miraculous! I've seen so many other tragic cases that ended in heartache and despair. I stare at that picture of him in astonishment and wonder. Bronson's story almost requires one to acknowledge that miracles do happen! Thank you for your effort in sharing all of this information and perspective. I'm amazed and happy for you.

Windthicket Fables said...

I'd just like to say that YES! IT WAS GODS WILL!!! And maybe he just needed those sweet girls at home with HIM instead of here on earth. Maybe their mission was done!!! But there is a huge huge thing called FAITH, and why pray or fast at all if God doesn't care about them? HE DOES! And those prayers were ANSWERED!!! And THIS AMAZING little boy has more to do. YES! Everything is in GODS hands. But sometimes, things happen solely so that WE will practice OUR faith.

I don't even know you or your family, Sarah, but I prayed, and I felt the spirit of our Heavenly Father. I KNEW he'd be great! I KNEW our Father had everything under control!

It doesn't matter what people will say, because I was in your situation once, and people said and will say horrible, hurtful things (don't ask me why, because it seems to me that takes such enegry to be so hateful, and shared joy is DOUBLE joy!) but YOU always remember that WE are on your side. We back you up 100%

Joanne said...

I found your story through KSL and just finished reading through everything. What a strong little guy you have! I'm thrilled that you get to go home. Thank you for helping ME to realize I need to be more attentive with my children. Your words have truly changed me. I was very touched when I realized that he was born the same day (a year later) as my daughter and the same day as her cousin. Enjoy the celebration at home!

Anita Johnson said...

We have never met, just found your blog through a link. We praise God for your miracle and will continue to pray for complete healing. Thank you for sharing so openly about your horrible accident, as well as your faith in God. He is a miracle! God bless.


Sara - soooo happy you're taking him home!!! You will, once again, be a super-busy mom... but the masses will love seeing updates of Bronson once in a while... (Hint, hint). Love you guys - thank you for strengthening my faith. I love what "Anonymous" wrote... Bronson's recovery was absolutely according to our Heavenly Father's will. But, no doubt, He listened to the THOUSANDS of prayers here on earth. My mother calls it, "Storming the Heavens!" (PS - you should be receiving a package from our family this week. ENJOY)

Rhonda said...

a perfect miracle. i am thrilled to see him standing there by himself, smiling. praise God!

Anonymous said...


Nate,Lindsay & Teagan said...

AMAZING!! So happy for your family!!

Leslie said...

what a beautiful sight! Go Bronson go!!

Lily Dawn said...

I just heard about your story this morning, but I am saying a prayer for you and your family... It has brought tears to my eyes! I know the feelings of helplessness all too well, and there is no worse feeling when it comes to your child.

Thank you for sharing your story honestly and openly and I am so glad for you and your family to have your little boy safely in your arms!

God bless! Lily

Anonymous said...

I am so happy that you get to bring your baby boy home. I hope that you still keep us updated on his progress though your blog!

boys in the hood said... all I can say! I came across your blog last weekend, and spent at least an hour reading your story. That evening I knelt down with my 2 children for evening prayers and told them about the sweet baby Bronson who was fighting for his life. I am so grateful that through the miracle of prayer and a loving Heavenly Fsther, you are bringing your baby home!!! Bless you, for touching our lives and giving us the opportunity to pray and see the amazing outcome of this miracle. Thank you and enjoy your happy family!

Prina Family said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Prina Family said...

Amen to what anonymous said about 20 comments up:)
God has a plan for each of us and i am SOOOOO happy this was Bronsons plan. For those people who have to suffer dealing with death, i continue to pray EVERY day for you to find hope, peace, happiness. And to realize God still loves you and is blessing you in other ways.

Anonymous said...

What an adorable little guy. This picture made me giggle out loud. He is a total stud and I am so happy for this amazing miracle. I want to just give him a big squeeze he is so sweet!!!

Anonymous said...

Bronson - you are a miracle. I have fallen in love with you and your family reading the blog right from the beginning of this ordeal. Prayed and fasted for you last Sunday along with a family fast for my great grandson. You make my heart sing. Go home now and grow!

Jill said...

YAHOO!!!I can't believe he is already coming home! It really was a true miracle. So so happy for you guys. :)

LeAnn said...

Our family has been following your story after a fellow missionary of Bronson's Grandpa posted your blog. Thank you for sharing your heartache and triumphs with us. My 3 year old saw this picture and said, "I'm so glad he's better". We have shed tears with you and are so happy for you and your family.

Rebecca said...

You just absolutely made my day!!! WOOHOO!

Anonymous said...

Such an amazing journey! Bronson has touched so many peoples lives. I am so happy you get to take your sweet baby boy home. Cherish every moment for he truely is a little miracle.

Brittany said...

So adorable! So happy for you! Yeah you guys get to go home!!!!!!!

Keddington Chronicles said...

I saw your story on the news last night. I had already started reading your blog. I am so happy for your "second chance". I had my now 7 year old daughter fall out her bedroom window when she was 2. Although her prognosis of recovery manifested quicker than in your situation, I have felt the guilt (I was making lunch when it happened), and I also know of the feeling of uncertainity, as well as the spiritual gratitude felt at the opportunity that Heavenly Father gave me to keep my little one here on earth with her family. I thought of your situation this morning, hugged my little 7 year old and told her "Thank You for being O.K. whe you fell out the window". I am thankful for the spiritual reminder your story is to me. Enjoy your sweet boys.

The Starkers said...

Wow, I'm so happy and relieved to see this!!! How amazing! My prayers will continue to include Bronson.

Unknown said...

I am SO Glad to see that he is a miracle baby! He's going to have one hell of a story to tell when he gets older for sure. He's such a cutie, that smile is worth more than words can tell I'm sure.

((HUGS)) :)

Carmen said...

Amazing! SImply amazing. God is so good!

LivingstonClan said...

Just to add to all that everyone else has said--I found your blog about a week ago--ode to blog hopping! I cried so hard--I had a horribly similar experience with my daighter when she was 11 months, and it still breaks my heart to think about it. When I saw you on the news last night, and heard you describe the moment when you found him and picked him up, I knew exactly what you meant. I am so happy for you and your family. What a sweet little boy he is! And your reminder to all of us to stop the worrying about the silly things, and taking time to just BE with our children is great! Thank you for sharing your story.

Amber said...

Congrats! Everyone is sent here for a reason. This must be Bronsons... to remind parents that anything can happen to anyone, and that miracles are real, and to always keep believing. Bronson will probably go on to do something amazing! A spokesman of some sort...or he will use this as a great pick up line for the young ladies to be interested in him! haha

Ams said...

SO stinkin' cute!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi there-
I just wanted to say how happy I am that your little boy is ok. God is good.

The Benites Family said...

Wahoo!!! We are so happy for Bronson and your family. As a nurse who doesn't see many miracles, this has given me renewed hope! Thank you for sharing.

Jen the Blog Mom said...

YAY!!! What a gift that he's up and moving! What a miracle. Your story has been a word of warning to my heart. Last night I took my plate of dinner with me to the bathroom while my 2 yo daughter took her bath. No WAY was I going back to the kitchen to get it. God is doing a work through you. Many, many prayers for you.

jen said...

Seriously amazing! Your story is so touching. Thanks for sharing. I also have four boys and two have had horrible colds this week and wanted nothing else but to be held. My house is a wreck but I'm just going to hold them instead of sitting them in front of the TV. Your story is a huge reminder to me. Life can change in an instant.

The Gang said...

Many Congratulations. Congrats on having a such a beautiful family, Congrats on having such an amazing strong boy, Congrats on having unwavering faith, Congrats for pulling through this in an awesome way and inspiring other Moms. This was a painful experience yet such a happy ending. What better way to inform others, inspire others, and show the kindness and wonderment of our Heavenly Father. I can feel the spirit even way over here! :)

M&N said...

What an amazing miracle! I am so greatful that you shared this with the world. I look forward to seeing how the rest of your life goes with your little miracle at home.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing such a miraculous story with the world! Although we've never met, your little Bronson has touched my heart and your story has reminded me that nothing is more important when my children are in the bath. You often think, "it won't happen to me" until it does. Praise God for this mighty miracle!

Trana Family said...

I am so happy for your family! A friend of mine showed me your site and I have read ever since. I have a son the same age as Bronson. He is my only child.... My world rises and sets on this little man. Thank you for sharing your personal struggles, heartache and amazement! I am not a very religious person, yet I have prayed everyday for Bronson. I think of you and Bronson everyday. I try to be super mom and wife. After reading your story I sit longer and play more with my son. I am so happy for your family. Enjoy your family!

Kellene Maynard said...

Praise GOD! I am so happy for you all! Miracles!!!

Jess said...

Oh Sara, I am clapping and saying, "Good job, Bronson! What a big boy!" like only a mother of a toddler can! he he he he :)

I agree with the many mothers who have thanked you for your bravery in sharing what happened so honestly. Every mother knows that MOMS MAKE MISTAKES. Lots of them. Not all of our mistakes are so visible or memorable to the public, but none of us want anyone to know what we've done wrong no matter how small. And thank you so much for being so open with your faith and prayers and emotions (even when they weren't positive . . . no one would have believed you never once had a down time. And it gave others the opportunity to give service to you. Thanks to Ian, the day nurse, who picked you up off the floor and carried you to Matt at one of your lowest moments.).

This event has united a vast number of people in prayer and hope for Bronson's recovery. It brought home "a mighty change of heart and ACTIONS" in how we as parents value our own children and to treasure each and every moment with them. And Bronson's recovery has shown the world that miracles can and do happen every day.

Thank you God, for washing so many of us with a renewed hope, strengthened faith, and joy for the loved ones and miracles in our lives.

amandanbo said...

wow! i have been following your story and praying for your little one and your family. i can't tell you how happy i am to see this picture...he is beautiful.

Kassie said...

Yay!!! How precious is that picture. I'm so happy to hear he is doing great...

Kassie said...

Yay!!! How precious is that picture. I'm so happy to hear he is doing great...

Marianna said...

Way to go CHAMP! Welcome home!!! XOXO

Anonymous said...

I found your blog thru a post on facebook and have followed it since the 2nd entry...every day I have read and prayed with you for a miracle...for a great outcome to something that was NO ONE"S fault..all moms get distracted from time to time with life's many going's on's...I too have felt the warmth of God's love and knew that Bronson would recover...thank you for your beautiful, heartfelt words and honesty throughout this ordeal. I pray that Heavenly Father will continue to bless you and your family as you all heal together. Thank you.

Sherrie said...

WOW!!! That is all that comes to my mind. I just read your blog last night and into early this morning. So happy to hear that you get to take your little one home. Thanks for being such an inspirtation to all us Moms across the world.

Good Dreams to you all tonight and enjoy your welcome home reunion with your other boys!

Love the Brimhall's from Burkburnett Texas

Brooke said...

What a little miracle he is! As with all of your other followers I am so glad he is doing so well, and is going home with you! I can't imagine and hope I never know what this has been like for your family but I am so grateful to see a happy ending.

Mary Ann said...

You are *all* champions. Congratulations on your homecoming! We'll be so glad to have you back!

The McFarlands

Nicole J said...

I love his hair & the shirt together! He is quite the champion! Thank you for keeping us posted on his progress. I forwarded this website to all my friends & relatives to join everyone in praying for his recovery. I am happy to no end that you have your little guy back!
With love,

Carrie said...

That cute boy looks like he hasn't missed a single beat! Woo hoo for going home! Congratulations!

Laura said...

Beyond thrilled for you and that sweet, sweet baby boy. Every day I think of your story and pray for Bronson. He looks amazing!

God is so good!

Natalie said...

I want you to know that I have sat here for over an hour just reading your blog from the beginning of this, and I am amazed! You are so strong. I'm so happy for you. This is a testimony builder and I hope everyone can see this. You are so lucky! :)

Kimmie said...

doesn't his SMILE just sum it all up? so glad you get a Happily Ever After ending!

A Moment in Time Portrait Design said...

I am SO thrilled for you, Ive been praying with you since the beginning and I am just amazed at his, and your, strength and endurance. Praise God!

Jenny said...

What a whirlwind you have had so far this month. I am so happy for you and your family to be together again. Bronson is SO adorable.

Julie Porter said...

God has blessed this little boy with another chance at life, and the rest of us with the chance to see His hand at work. Thank you so much for sharing your story with me, and the world. I will never forget your little miracle man. Thank you.

renhallows said...

what a flippin Miracle!
It's something we don't see everyday....what a boost to all of our testimonies that Heavenly Father is mindful of each of us. Thank you for being so willing to share your experience with us...even when something might of been hard to write. Thanks!!

kelly said...

We are so happy for your family. Enjoy this Valentine's Day...I am sure it will be extra sweet!

Amy S. said...

Wow! That is awesome and amazing. Bronson is one tough little boy. Your family is very blessed!

Becky said...

I am Karen Peterson's friend and she was here with me last week and we cried together reading and following your blog each day. My 4 kids are exactly your kids ages and I ached knowing how easily this could happen to anyone. I am so glad for the results, we have prayed for you each day and I want to thank you for strengthening our testimonies through your story, what an amazing little boy!

Sarah said...

I am in awe! It really is a miracle! Walking, alert, smiling. I'm so happy for you, happy hes going home! May God continue to bless you and your family. He is aware of us all!

Rebecca Hodges said...

I am so sorry we missed your welcome party home. I just read the email too late. We are sooo excited that he is coming home and he looks Amazing!! Your trial has truly increased my faith and testimony the past couple of weeks. I am so happy for you and your family!

Ty and Juju Brown said...

What a miracle baby boy! We are so happy for your family! xoxo

Kierstin said...

He is so precious...what a little stud! So happy you get to take him home today...what a special happy for your sweet family!

Hopie said...

Happy days, happy, happy days!!!!!

Eeva said...

Thank you for sharing you amazing story! It truly is a miracle and has surely increased our faith and testimonies. Thank you! He is SUCH a beautiful boy!

sunni said...

Bronson is a stud!! So glad he is having such a great recovery. Much love to you and your family. Amazing!

Alissa said...

There are not words to express what a beautiful answer to prayer this is!

Praise God, who loves and hears His children!!!

Scott & Tami said...

Way to go Bronson!!! You look amazing!!! Way to sweet boy!

Anonymous said...

Awesome news!!

Kathleen said...

My mom (Karen Reid) just called to give me the latest update and we just both cried for how happy we are for you. My little girl (2) refused to take a nap this afternoon and as I was running out of patience, I thought of you and Bronson. Instead of getting angry I rocked her and sang her to sleep, something I haven't done in over a year. I found myself in tears with gratitude for her. Our God IS a God of Miracles! Bronson does still have work on this earth and thankfully he has a family and friends with enough faith to keep him here to finish it. Oh I am just so happy for you ALL! My mom said there are balloons all up the street and I wish we lived closer so that I could come and breath in some of the miraculous air with you all. Best wishes!

sepa said...

amazing! so happy for bronson and the entire staker family. God's continued blessings be upon all of you.

Amy, queen of the world. said...

Thank you for sharing your beautiful child and your story with us! He is such a blessing from God!!!

Michelle said...

You don't know me, but I heard of your story and cried for/with you and prayed for you and Bronson and now hearing the news that he is going home with you just gave me the chills. I am so happy for your family and know that God is truly in the business of answering prayers. Thank you for sharing the hardest thing you will probably ever go through with complete strangers. Bronson is doing missionary work already by strengthening my testimony (which is WEAK btw) as I am sure of so many others. He truly is a gift from God.

Janet Reeves said...

thank you for sharing this most precious experience with the world! I know it will help some other family some day to be more attentive. You are truly an example of faith and I appreciate being able to know your family. I'm so happy that Bronson is doing so well. good luck to you all!

Jenny Bay said...

Wow, that is amazing! What a miracle boy :)

Anonymous said...

WOW! (I am speechless)

stacy said...

i'm so excited for you to get that boy home!

Shannon said...

Even though I don't know your family I am so amazingly happy for you! I can't stop thinking about you getting to take your adorable son home with you and the joy you must feel.
Thank you for sharing your story and allowing others to learn from something that could happen to any Mom- even a great Mom. You seem like a wonderful Mom to your boys.
I prayed so much for little Bronson.

Sonora said...

Yay! That is so wonderful!!! His shirt couldn't be more appropriate. He is one loved little man. I loved what you said about forgiveness. Those little people are so perfect and so sweet. I am truly thankful you will have him back in your home. Enjoy! Please keep us posted as we have come to love your family as our own. (Don't feel obligated to do so, just when you have time if you can! :)

Nikki said...

Wow!! What a difference a week, many many prayers and faith make!

Sabra said...

Welcome home Bronson and Sara!!!

B said...

I don't know when I have cried so much, first tears of sorrow, now tears of joy. I will forever be indebted to Dr. Nelson and Natalie for removing my heart-wall and inherited trapped emotions. Could really feel The Holy One as prayers were offered up on a daily basis for this special little boy who shares the same birthday as me. I believe this little boy has a special mission to fulfill.

Brittanie said...

I am so happy!!! This is amazing news. I'm so glad that you are home and he's doing so well! Truly an amazing miracle.

Andrea Stryd said...

Praise God. The miracle of your son is just what I needed this week, to remind me of His mercies. I pray God allows you to show mercy on yourself as well. I am every day impressed by all that moms do and juggle...all at once. The love you show your family is unmistakeable. I know your sons feel that every day. That is priceless. Thank you for sharing your story.

Adi said...

truly a miracle!

Unknown said...


Brady and Rachel said...

So AMAZING! My heart is seriously BURSTING WITH JOY for your sweet miracle baby! SO SO SO Happy you guys got the miracle you were hoping for!!!!!! I Love happy endings! God is good. No matter what happens to us and our loved ones, God is good, don't get me wrong. But oh the joy your family is feeling at this time, God is SOOOO GOOD! Thank you for sharing your fear, faith and testimony through all of this, and your honesty. You have and will continue to bless the lives of so many around you, many who don't know you personally like me. Thank you.

Emily said...

What an incredible answer to prayers. Thank you for sharing your story with the world. We will continue to pray for you and your family.

Unknown said...

Lordy! this truly is a miracle!!!
i am so happy for you and your family!!!!
well done Bronson!!! you are a tough little guy!

Anonymous said...

I've read your blog since this event happened(found it through Natalie Norton) What an amazing outcome. . .words can't really express that adequately. I'm sure you feel that more than anyone right now. I was a nurse on the NTU and to be honest never saw an outcome like this with an injury like his. God is miraculous and has a special plan for each of us doesn't He? What an amazing woman and mom you are. Thanks for your example and unending faith. You have inspired me to be better in my own life. Wishing your family endless love and blessings.

Jenny said...

I was talking to my mom this morning and telling her what happened to Bronson. You really have touched soooo many with your story :) My youngest is 21 months and i never thought about the fact that he knows how to turn on the water in our jet tub. Also if he found a way to get into the tub i know he wouldnt be able to get out on his own. THANK YOU for sharing your story. Lots of Love from this MoMmY of three boys....AND WAY TO GO BRONSON :)

em said...

Oh my goodness, look at HIM!!!!!! What an amazing experience this little guy has gone through, and yes, he is the Champion of the World!!! I am SO thrilled for his recovery and well-being....truly a miracle!

Princess Hairstyles said...

This really is such an amazing story! A true miracle. I'm so happy for your family.

Abraham and Sara said...

This picture made my day!

Brooke said...


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful family and all the love you all share is an inspiration to me!He is truly a miracle!I hope you keep posting so we can watch this little rose unfold his petals.I feel like I know your family now!

Janae Moss said...


The Quintana Family said...

A friend of mine told me about your blog, so I had to come check it out. I have 3 children of my own, and I bawled as I read your account of what happened. I'm so glad to hear that your little Bronson is finally able to go home. The power of prayer is amazing, and God proves that to us every single day.

Ashly King said...

Absolutely thrilled for ya'll!!! He is a true miracle! Enjoy being at home with your little champion!!

Gigi said...

i am so happy for your family! you are an amazing family with so much faith! it is so nice to have some happy news of your miracle. our hearts are all so sad for the toone family so your great bronson baby lifts us up! thank you for sharing your story with your blog. you have taught us all great lessons. what a wonderful relationship you and your husband have. he is your rock but you are his foundation! i am sure that this will be the best valentine's day ever for you! love, gretchen

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful boy! I have been following your story, like so many others, and am so touched by the faith and hope you have had throughout this experience. I don't think I could have been as courageous and strong, but I'm so happy to see the payoff that has come about because of your faithfulness. I'm so happy for you and your family. You are exactly the kind of family that no one would ever wish this upon, but the only family that could make it through something this hard and remain so strong. Your family is such a wonderful example of faith. I hope you write a book! This story has touched so many lives and has been such a testimony of faith. Like so many people have prayed for sweet Bronson, you have helped so many find their humility, get on their knees and plead with dear father in heaven to spare a boy they've never met. That's inspiring!

Jodi Gallagher said...

I am so thrilled for you and your family, especially Bronson! I bawled reading your blog this morning and my 11 year old son was in tears also. Thank you for sharing your story with us. It really puts life in perspective! Life is so fragile. Kids are the greatest gifts we have and I am so happy everything turned out o.k for you!

Sabrina said...

God is Great! Bronson is a very fortunate and strong little man! Hallelujah for his recovery!

kimbob said...

I have been amazed to read your blog and hear of the miracles that have happened to your beautiful family! I was so surprised to see this thing on Facebook pop up for "Prayers for Bronson" it got me curious, then as I checked out your blog I was even more sad to see that I know you! You were my photographer for my bridal and wedding pictures! You have touched many lives through your experience and glad you're able to stay so strong with the comfort of the Holy Ghost! Thank you!

Lee said...

I am a new reader, and just read your story. I am grateful for the miracles from our Heavenly Father. Thank you for sharing your story. We will pray for your family, for Bronson to be fully healed, and for you and your heart.

Laura said...

I am full of goosebumps from looking at that beloved and sacred photo of your little miracle. God is SOOOO GOOD!!!!!!! That smile - your world is right again.

God bless you and your family!

Heather said...

amazing child, god can do such amazing things, our babies...they are like little miracles. I am so happy things are going so wonderfully:)God bless you.

Tieryn said...

Such an incredible miracle. We are thrilled to see that sweet smile.

Claudia and Glenn Walker said...

Sarah, again I don't know you but I do feel so happy for you. I can see your little boy as a miracle! He really has very important things to do here on earth. You guys are so blessed and I feel so happy that once again our Heavnely Father has prove us that he loves us so much. May the Lord keep blessing your family.

Chris and McKell said...

WOW!!!!! amazing that is all I can say what a sweetheart and congrats on your healthy little one! SO HAPPY!!

Toni said...

Thank you for sharing your story. You truly are an inspiration and so is Bronson! What a fighter he is! I am so happy that you get to take him home with you today, how absolutley thrilling! Please keep us updated on his progess. PS--I love his little faux hawk, he is just too cute with that thing.

Deseri said...

You don’t know me, but many tears of sadness and joy have been shed here in this southern part of Arizona for your Bronson and your family. Bronson has been in our prayers for over a week and we feel privileged to witness such a wonderful miracle! I appreciate so much your willingness to share this tragedy that we might all learn from this. We live in an area where water tragedies happen too often, and your story will always remind me to be more careful. My testimony of the power of prayer, of the love and mercy of our Heavenly Father has been strengthened. Your faith has inspired me to be a better mom and a better person and to hug my kids a little longer from now on!

Bezzant said...

The BEST Valentines gift ever!!!! So happy for your family! Thank you so much for sharing your story! It has helped me be a better Mom to my 3 boys!
All our love!!

Jen Jenkins said...

Thanks for sharing your story and your sweet testimony! I am so sorry that you've had to endure this trial and so grateful for Bronson's recovery and being made whole again! You, your husband, and sweet boys are an inspiration to me! You will remain in my prayers!

Anonymous said...

You are right...there are absolutely no words to describe crazy...I'm a stranger to you...but I'm a speech therapist who has worked with many kids with anoxic brain injuries...and NEVER have I seen a recovery like this...the twinkle in his eyes..the spring in his step...UNREAL...MAGICAL...MIRACULOUS....God has obviously forgiven you, I pray that you can forgive yourself...we have ALL been distracted...we have ALL walked away from our kids "for a quick minute" went from being one of the the luckiest mommy in the world...what I wouldn't do to hug that little boy...and I don't even know him!!!!!!! Please PLEASE keep updating this after you go we have all felt a part of your family through your tragedy and miracle!! GOD BLESS YOU and THANK YOU for sharing your story!!!

Anonymous said...

Sara, I have been following your blog and each day I have shed tears of fear and joy. I have fallen in love with this little guy and I am so happy that this story has a happy ending and that he fought thru this incredible battle. I have 4 boys that are just about the same ages as yours. Thank YOU for sharing this journey with us, as hard as it must have been. You are an amazing woman and Bronson is lucky to have you. I promise YOU that this could have happened to any of US. I have hugged my little ones tighter this week because of you and Bronson. Good luck to you and your amazing lil' man and the rest of the gang. Much love, Amy Hawkes

Unknown said...

I would say this is magic, and it is, but 'there but for the grace of God go I.' What a miracle - a true miracle! He has much to accomplish on this earth! God bless! I am sure many more beautiful things are yet to come to pass! Amen!

Unknown said...

In tears. Our Heavenly Father can do amazing things. Wow.

Emily said...

Wow! He is such a miracle. It's like night and day--go, Bronson, go!

Anonymous said...

Sara you have given sooo much to us mothers ... thank you. I have cried, cried and cried tears of sadness and joy for 10 days now. You have strengthened my faith and love for life. THANK YOU!! Forgive yourself, you are human and a perfectly wonderful MOM! Welcome back dear little Bronson ... have a beautiful healthy life with your fantastic family. God bless you all!!

Alicia said...

I love waking up to good news! Brought tears to my eyes. What a miracle and a blessing! Prayers of thanksgiving going up to heaven today!

Stephanie said...

Congratulations from Missouri! Our Heavenly Father certainly has a special plan for this little guy.

jaredean said...

he looks like he is running to tackle you!

Lipscomb Family said...

How sweet!! So thankful to see your miracle boy in action!

Stephanie Kay Moore said...

He truly is a miracle boy. May we all become like unto a child: forgiving, determined, and with the veil so thin. I am so happy for you guys.

Melissa said...

I can't believe what I am seeing....just amazing. So glad to be a part of this, thank you for writing about this and letting complete strangers into your world. So very happy for all of you!

amiee said...

WOW!!!!!!!! Unbelievable!!! I am more than thrilled for Bronson, you and your family!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't even IMAGINE how happy you all are!

The Haley Family said...

So amazing Sara! We are so happy for you! Hugs, Ali

Shellie said...

I am so excited for you and your family...enjoy your life with that little man...

Crystal said...

Finally what I've been waiting to hear! No words to express how incredibly happy I am for you and your family! Your boys get you back, you get your own home and the family will be complete again! I am so happy to have been witness to the amazing miracles of this story. I know that as you get back to life, the blogs will most likely be in the back of your mind, but you and your family will forever be in my heart! Amazing! God bless you and Matt and your amazing family!

Nicole Guerra said...

WOW! He is amazing! I have been following your story like a stalker for the past week and I am so filled with joy for you guys :) I pray that you will forgive yourself and move forward with your beautiful family......just 6 days ago I got distracted in a conversation with a friend and lost track of my little 2 year old. I found him in the parking lot alone wondering around trying to open up car doors. I felt horrible with all the "what if" thoughts but also grateful that he wasn't hit by a car or worse. Obviously my experience was not nearly as horrific as yours but we all get distracted as mothers at some point, especially with the more children we have, and you have one more than me! I love the quote by Maya Angelou: "You did then what you knew how to do and when you knew better... you did better!" When we make mistakes all the Lord asks of us is to do better next time :) We continue to pray for your family as you heal from this traumatic experience.

Nicole in CA

Rachel said...

i am so so so happy for your little miracle. What a sweet little guy you have.

Bj and Christie said...

Like many other families I do not personally know you but your story has touched my heart. Tears poured down my face when I read about you little one. I work as an RN at PCMC and I know how difficult these situations can be. Thank you for your willingness to share your story, my life has been changed for the better. It is so wonderful to know he is going home with his mommy and daddy! Thank you for your post about choosing faith over fear. Last june my second little boy was born with several significant birth defects. I cannot explain how your words helped heal my heart. Thank you Thank you. Even during your darkest hours you were able to reach out and help someone. God bless you and your sweet familiy.

Anonymous said...

It is so amazing to see your family story. I am so glad it worked out well. I've been following from the beginning and am so happy to see that miracles really do happen, and God is so good. I hope you continue your story. It isn't just the tragedy but your family and you as a mom that is inspiring.
Thanks again so much for sharing your experience.

The Beals said...

I too, am a stranger... My family and I live in West Jordan. My friend came across your blog and told me about it. I have thought about you guys and prayed for you and sweet little guy. What an awesome testimony building expierence for your family, espcially your older boys. Amazing! That little spirit has got to have a special mission here on earth!! He is a fighter! Awesome!

Anonymous said...


Barbara said...

I've been following your story these last 10 days, and have been restored in heart and soul about God's power to heal and teach. Thank you for your courage; I know you too shall heal from this with God's grace and love. You are all miracles. Blessings abound!

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for your sweet family!! You are probally feeling like the luckiest & most blessed family in the world right now! Thank you for telling your story on your blog and on the news. I think it is so important for people to see how important it is to pay attention. I am one of those moms who has walked away from my children for short periods while they were bathing. Thank you for opening my eyes. I will never make that mistake again! I know heavenly father loves you, and that he cares deeply for you. He knows that you are strong, and could learn a lot, and help teach other through you! Thank you for your voice!

The.Marcellus.Family said...

I won't say who, but I'm sure YOU know, there is a comment above that made me angry. I bawled and I am trying my hardest to not go off and talk horrible about the lady who decided to type down her frustrations to you. You have enough on your plate. It is crazy to me that people have that kind of hardness in their heart.

I want you to know that I ADORE your blogging, I adore what you and your family is capable of. What a blessing you have now walking around again. The picture made smile big time. I I LOVE the look on his face.Thank the lord for the priesthood:)

Have a relaxing day at home:)
Loves from Garland Utah always


Anonymous said...

I am a Nikken Wellness Consultant and got an email from Bronson's Grandpa and requested was then I started reading your blog.....I would wake up each morning and first thing I would do would be turn on the computer, read the update and then pray. Thank you for being so a world that is trying to keep God out of everything!

Mandy said...

AMAZING! God through Bronson is so amazing!!!

Melanie Van Wynsberg said...

I really HOPE you DON'T read ANY Negative comments people might leave you. The fact of the matter is your son is alive and God is good no matter what.

I am so incredibly blessed to even know that this little boy is still alive. I may not know you, but I can tell your heart is huge for your children. It's written all through this blog. It make me sad that people would question anything you are saying or doing.

Either way, bathe in the blessing of life. Your little boy is alive and well!! That's so awesome, and all that matter at this point. :)

Anonymous said...

What a smile! After going through what he's been though, he looks like he can take on the world! :o) Congrats and best wishes!

Laura said...

Love the shirt! I hope someday when little Bronson is old enough to understand you'll show him these blog entries so that he'll be able to see just how loved he truly is and how many people, people like me that he'll likely never know, we're praying with you and crying with you..I can truly say that I have been forever changed reading this Blog and sharing this journey alongside you. Thank you for being so brave in sharing this story.


Rach said...

I'm a mom living in Provo and would love to help you in any way I can. My husband is a student and I wish I could contribute to medical bills, etc. but instead all I can offer is some free babysitting, free artwork, etc. Please let me know if I can help you.

Felisha said...

Such a cutie! I am so glad he is ok and he is home! You are a wonderful, loving family!

Heather Reed said...

My sister posted about your story on your blog. I am so happy for your little miracle! I am so sad for your story. I am a mom of 7 boys and expecting baby #8 in August. I have done exactly what you did that day and never thought too much about it. I am sorry for what you went through, but inspired by your story to be more attentive of my little boys. Thank you for sharing. Our prayers our with your family.

Megan B ♥ said...

The Lord's mercy and power has truly been shown through this miraculous little boy and his wonderful family. Thank you.

Jodi said...

What an awesome testimony this will be... God truly preformed a miracle in your little boy!!

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