We arrived home just in time to unpack and make it to
Mother's Day Dinner
Mother's Day Dinner
up at Mike & Mauri's...
I pulled the monkeys out of the dirt (literally!)
long enough to pose for our traditional Mother's Day Portrait.

(Seriously... LOOK at those shirts! You don't even want to see their hands!)

And here's a quick shot with all us "Moms":

(Left to right): Jean (Cody's mom), Mindy, Me, Mauri & Peggy
Thanks, Dads, for all the preparations and yummy food! Mmmm.... mmmm... mmm!
I cannot believe how much your youngest looks like Matt! Oh my heck! ANd that picture of your boys past out in the back seat is so cute. My boys had the same experience today so I can relate! AND you are cuter than ever. I wish I looked like you when I am pregnant.
seriously you do not even look pregnant. that is not fair. You look fabulous. Looks like you had a fantastic little get away. I need one!
You deserved such a great weekend like that, and you are beautiful!
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