Daynen, sweet thing that he is, cut another tooth!
(His 3rd on the bottom... hopefully you can see it, just below the tip of his tongue.)
Amid his cold, ear infections and surgery, I never got around to posting this darling pic of his cute "new" smile!
Trevan, smarty-pants, passed off all his letters/sounds at Preschool and moved up a Reading Level!
This was a HUGE accomplishment for him and he was SO excited and proud of himself!
(You should have seen him run to tell me at the end of class!)
He has been working really hard and is enjoying learning to read.
And here is the one I feel a little bad about...
Kaden just finished his first Junior Jazz season... and I have yet to post a single picture!
(What kind of mother am I?)
I was there, taking photos at EVERY game, just never got any online. Oh well...
To ease my conscience, here are just a couple of my faves:
Let me just say that the improvement from the first game to the last was remarkable! His little team went from ball-hogging ("Pass? What?"), shoulder-high dribbling, half-court shooters to quite a team of "real" players!
Kade learned to play GREAT defense, and was even the high-scorer of his team a couple times... 14 points one Saturday! Wahoo!
We were all sad to see the season end and think it may be our favorite sport, so far!
I can't believe how big your older two boys are getting. They are all three beautiful.
I have tracked you down!! Isn't google wonderful? I love your blog and congrats on the new baby! Can I add you to my blog??
Kaden look 12 feet tall. Trevan is a genius (first math with fractions and now he's reading) and Daynen is adorable. Your blog is the coolest. What about an update on yourself? What 46,000 goals did you accomplish this week? I still believe you somehow have more hours in the day than I do...
Love the pics! Where did you sign Kaden up for Jr Jazz? Orem told me Chase had to be in third grade! Chase has been DYING to play basketball!
Those bottom teeth are so cute! I'm glad Daynen is feeling better and is back to smiling so he can show them off.
How great is it that Trevan is so excited about reading and school??
I am loving your basketball pictures too. It's got to be hard getting those shots with all those boys running around. Congratulations to Kaden, Mr. Junior Jazz!
Way to go Boys!! From cutting teeth to Reading to Basketball? Wow! Those are some major advancements! And getting behind on telling everyone about them happens! Thats awesome! And I love the pictures of Kade playin hoops. What a stud!
Way to go Kaden, looks like the Jazz will be recruiting him soon. Daynen is such a cutie, I hope his ears are feeling better. And way to go Trevan! He is such a sweet kid.
Love ya guys!
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